Meet our Service Providers
Check out this video which introduces some of our service providers and explains what they will offer our residents.
Click on the link to view interviews with some of our many service providers including:
Heather Grasse, Social Worker HUD VASH (Housing and Urban Development Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing voucher). She will be assisting our residents in getting HUD VASH vouchers to obtain VA Healthcare, rental assistance and Case Management from the VA Clinic in Green Bay near our village.
Kim Nohr, Co Founder and General Contractor for Veterans 1st of NEW who is organizing the union and contracted builders to build all the homes and Community Center. He is also the President and CEO and will be on site helping wherever he is needed.
Gail Nohr, Co Founder and Program Director for Veterans 1st of NEW who is organizing the large amount of service providers who will be assisting our residents. She is also a Substance Abuse Counselor IT who will be helping any of our residents who might struggle with substance use.
Amber Edwards, Housing Program Director for Veterans 1st of NEW who will be assisting our residents obtain HUD VASH and Housing Choice Vouchers for rental assistance with the VA and the Brown County Housing Authority.
Ashley Drzewiecki, Veteran Benefits Specialist NWTC will be assisting our residents with their GI Bill to consider education options that they are interested in to obtain their degree so they can get employment in a field that they would like to be employed in. She will help with resumes, interviews, and applications as well.
Stan Kroll, Vice President Workplace and Financial Solutions at Associated Bank. Stan will come on site and offer Financial Literacy classes to our residents to help them with budgeting, credit score improvement, investing and many other areas of financial assistance.
Craig Coleman of Forward Services who was not interviewed will come on site and help our residents find meaningful employment in our area so they can start saving up to become self-sufficient.