Veterans 1st of Northeast Wisconsin
Veterans 1st of Northeast Wisconsin is a non-profit agency that will provide a safe, supportive veteran Cottage Court community for our area veterans in need of affordable housing with wraparound services to help them become self-sufficient.
Our vision is that after three phases of construction, we will have 21 homes within a veterans' village. We will also have a Community Center with an office, kitchen, and meeting area to be shared by all veterans our residents and community members where all our groups and trainings will take place. The homes, will be a mix of 17 - 400 sq. ft. affordable homes at under Fair Market Value rent and 4 - 600 sq. ft. two-resident Rapid Rehousing homes.
Veterans 1st of Northeast Wisconsin is also partnering with four employment agencies including the Wisconsin Workforce Development to offer opportunities for meaningful employment. We are also partnering with the VA Clinic, the Vet Center and many other healthcare agencies to address our residents healthcare needs. More information on the types of services we will offer can be found in the following links.
There is an incredible shortage of affordable housing in Brown County (3,700) as well as many veterans facing housing insecurity (up to 13% or over 480). Click here to see the statistics from 2021. We are also very aware of other issues that veterans face. By removing the concern as to where they will be living, we will be able to navigate them to resources, and address individual needs as they arise.
Residents must agree a behavior contract and the village will have over 12 cameras for monitoring. Staff will be available from early morning until evening. Squad leaders will be monitoring residents from evening until morning.